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Thanks to tooth bleaching St. Ingbert bei Saarbrücken shines with white teeth

What does your business card look like?

We mean your smile. Because with discolored teeth we unfortunately do not leave a good impression. Usually nobody can do anything about it. This is because teeth discolour over time all by themselves. The teeth whitening in our practice turns the clock back and gives you back your shining smile.

This is why dental bleaching is a sensible option:

  • the tooth color matches your type
  • the teeth are healthy before we whiten them
  • we find and eliminate the cause of the discoloration
  • the whitening is possible for almost everyone
  • bleaching is also possible at home
Bleaching splint or power bleaching?

We let you shine again. Make an appointment for dental bleaching: 06894 929 990 990

Then a tooth bleaching is useful

With dental bleaching we lighten single or several teeth. This is useful after root canal treatment, for example, when the tooth gradually fades. But there are also natural reasons for tooth discoloration. Habits often cause the tooth color to change from a pale white to a dull gray.

These stimulants discolor the teeth:

  • Tea
  • Nicotine
  • Coffee
  • Black tea

But there can also be diseases behind the discolored teeth. That is why it is important to have teeth whitening performed only by a professional. We recognize the cause and remedy it.

Important Information!

How we whiten teeth with bleaching

First we check the teeth for caries and leaking fillings. This way we make sure that nothing stands in the way of teeth whitening. Before dental bleaching, professional tooth cleaning is recommended. If food or beverages are the cause of discoloration, a thorough tartar removal and tooth cleaning is the first step towards a white smile.

  • During bleaching, active oxygen penetrates the enamel and removes color pigments from red wine, black tea and nicotine
  • Together we will determine the desired color shade beforehand, which exactly matches your complexion and type.
  • Dental bleaching usually takes about 90 minutes.

If you prefer to whiten your teeth at home, we also offer bleaching with a special splint. However, dental bleaching in the dental practice is more effective, as we are allowed to use highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide.

Power-Bleaching for particularly fast results

In so-called power bleaching, we repeat the bleaching process several times with a particularly highly concentrated solution. In less than two hours we whiten your teeth and give you a new shining smile.

A power bleaching is ideal if you want white teeth quickly – for example for the wedding photo. It is safe and does not harm your teeth.